The High Cost of Loneliness

Some describe loneliness as a feeling of distress caused by a lack of meaningful, close relationships. In other words, loneliness can be defined as a lack of emotional connectedness. With this definition, it is important to acknowledge that one can be lonely in a crowd.

2023-01-17T11:30:10-06:00January 18, 2023|

Five Simple Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

Ironically, we think of the Christmas season as a time of joy and peace, but more often, holidays seem demanding and exhausting. Let's face it, after the last couple of years, we need and deserve an extra measure of kindness and grace from each other this holiday season. That said, most of us will experience some holiday stress, no matter how we try to avoid it. Fortunately, we can reduce some of the stress by choosing to respond to stressful situations, events, and circumstances in a way that protects (and possibly improves) our inner joy and peace.

2022-12-06T09:50:00-06:00December 7, 2022|
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