Five Simple Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

Ironically, we think of the Christmas season as a time of joy and peace, but more often, holidays seem demanding and exhausting. Let's face it, after the last couple of years, we need and deserve an extra measure of kindness and grace from each other this holiday season. That said, most of us will experience some holiday stress, no matter how we try to avoid it. Fortunately, we can reduce some of the stress by choosing to respond to stressful situations, events, and circumstances in a way that protects (and possibly improves) our inner joy and peace.

2022-12-06T09:50:00-06:00December 7, 2022|

Thanksgiving: Preparing Your Turkey and Trimmings Safely

If you are among the millions of Americans planning to prepare a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, it's essential to know how to do so safely. Otherwise, a turkey and its juices can be contaminated with germs that could make you, your family, and other guests sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers recommendations that can help you safely thaw, handle, and cook your Thanksgiving turkey. Additionally, they provide tips on how to take care of your leftovers safely.

2022-11-15T13:48:55-06:00November 16, 2022|

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Reduction, and Early Detection

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer (other than skin cancer) among American women, with about 264,000 diagnosed each year. Current statistics indicate that approximately 42,000 of those diagnosed will not survive. Breast cancer isn't just a "female" disease. Each year, approximately 2,710 American men are diagnosed with breast cancer. Of those men, 20% are not likely to survive.

2022-11-14T13:42:59-06:00November 15, 2022|

Do You Really Need Both a Flu Shot and a COVID-19 Booster?

This year will mark the third flu season with COVID-19 still circulating. Both viruses can cause health problems ranging from mild symptoms to illnesses requiring hospitalization and medical support measures. Likewise, both illnesses can also be deadly for the most susceptible individuals, such as those with chronic health conditions or compromised immune systems. Learn how you can stay healthy.

2022-10-16T22:08:11-05:00October 19, 2022|
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