Tricks to Make Halloween Treats Safer for Our Kids

Halloween is an exciting time for kids. They look forward to wearing their costumes. They also anticipate the delicious Halloween treats they'll collect during their trick-or-treat activities. However, as parents, it’s crucial to ensure our children remain safe during this holiday. In this article, we'll share some "tricks" to help you prioritize their safety.

2024-10-17T11:56:09-05:00October 23, 2024|

The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program: It’s Available Now!

The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program is available in Illinois through October 31, 2024. The Moultrie County Health Department is excited to offer this beneficial program to Moultrie County residents. The FMNP provides eligible participants with coupons to purchase fresh produce at local farmers' markets. This initiative supports FMNP participants, vendors, and the local economy.

2024-08-02T11:07:14-05:00August 7, 2024|
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